The Lagotto Romagnolo is a breed of dog originating from the Romagna region of Italy. These dogs are probably the oldest of the water dogs.

The breed was initially used for hunting waterfowl, mainly moorhens. The name Lagotto comes from the Valleroli, the local people who were also called Lagotti. Due to its exceptional sense of smell, the breed was also used to hunt for truffles. Even today the Lagotto is still used as a truffle dog and at the customs in Sweden the Lagotto is used as a drug detection dog.

When the marshes were drained in Romagna, this breed was somewhat forgotten. In 1977, the Italians Quintino Toschi, Gilberto Grandi and later followed by Ludovico Babini and Professor Francesco Balloto plus Antonio Morsiani started an inventory and registration of the famous curly-haired dogs from Toschi's childhood. Over a period of twenty years, seminars were organized during which the dogs were technically and cynologically examined, measured, tattooed, photographed and registered in the appropriate documents.
Babini and Morsiani selected the best Lagotti. Unfortunately, the report on this has been lost. Antonio Morsiani eventually wrote the breed standard based on all the inventories and study of the dogs offered. They continued to look for new dogs for many years and established a studbook. In 1995 the breed was provisionally recognized by the FCI and in 2005 definitively.
The Lagotto is a light, sturdy, muscular small to medium sized dog. Males have a height of 43–48 cm and a weight of 13–16 kg, bitches have a height of 41–46 cm and a weight of 11–14 kg.
The Lagotto is fast and manoeuvrable, making them ideal for agility competitions. He loves to swim and also likes to walk through shallow puddles or streams. They are intelligent and inquisitive dogs.
Furthermore, they are a pleasant, alert family dog ​​with a friendly, balanced nature (when socialized properly), who can get along well with other animals and pets. The Lagotti lack hunting passion which makes walking a pleasant activity.
Because the Lagotto does not shed, it is a suitable dog for people who are allergic to dog hair. The Lagotto has a curly coat that grows 1 cm per month and feels like a sheepskin. Depending on the coat length, the lagotto should be combed at least once a week. Furthermore, it must be cut or shaved at least 4 times a year.
The colors of the Lagotto Romagnolo are: solid white, white with brown or orange spots, brown spotted, solid brown in different shades and solid orange.
There is no black.
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