The Beauceron, also called Bas Rouge or Berger de Beauce, is one of the French shepherds, who were used by the French farmers at the end of the 19th century on the great plains around Paris.
The Beauceron is not a breed that has been created, but is a direct descendant of the dogs used by French farmers to herd their sheep at the time.
The shepherd used his beaucerons to feed his sheep on the plain without fencing. The beaucerons were also used to keep the cattle together at the market in Paris. It was their job to make sure that no cattle went to another group.

The Beauceron is characterized by its endurance, determination and attentiveness. He is brave, fast, strong and powerful, muscular, robust and respectful.
He is loyal to his family and, if properly socialized, is sweet and friendly.
The Beauceron is suitable as a house dog, but needs a lot of exercise. Just a simple walk around the block is not enough.
The Beauceron is also suitable as a working dog. This includes herding sheep, obedience training, agility and water work. But also detection training, cycling or running. There are many types of (recreational) dog sports that you can practice.
The education of the beauceron should not be underestimated! It takes a lot of time and perseverance, but will eventually be rewarded with a fantastic friend for life.
The Beauceron appears in two colors: black & tan (black with brown markings) and arlequin (black with white/silver hairs and brown markings).
The Beauceron has a double dewclaw on the inside of the hind legs. The dewclaws form two separated thumbs with nails, close to the foot. These date back to earlier times, so the dogs had more grip on the surface, when climbing mountains and walking over sheep.
Males have a height of 65-70 cm. The bitches have a height of 61-68 cm.
The Beauceron can live to be about 13 years old.
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